Goodbye 130

16 weeks ago I made a goal to break 130 pounds before going on hubby & my yearly ‘adults only‘ get away… this year to Vegas.  I wasn’t overweight, but I wasn’t healthy. I weighed in at 137.4, which isn’t extreme, but for someone five foot one, it’s not ideal.  I wanted to feel better about myself and get below a number (130) that I haven’t been under since college.  8 pounds in 16 weeks doesn’t seem like much, but man was it a challenge.  Working, upholding a household, taking care of a toddler, and fitting in the gym?!  Yeah, it was a challenge.  I had my off weeks where I gained weight back, and the Friday I forgot to weigh in… but I stuck to it.

This morning was the 16 week mark, and the ‘end’ of my fitness challenge.  I did a ‘last chance workout’ (biggest loser reference!) last night and man did it help…

biggest loser challenge week 16

My Goal: Break 130lbs by February 22nd.

Week 13 Weigh-in: 128.6… yeah, seriously.  I smashed my goal!  And the best thing about it is that it was a gradual process, and I made life changes that will help me keep the weight off.  And honestly, I had weighed myself in on Tuesday, to check where I was at, and I was already at 129.6.  Thursday I checked again, 129.4.  So today sealed the deal.  It wasn’t a fluke or anything.  So proud of myself!

Weight Lost: 8.8lbs.

biggest loser challenge week 16 weight loss chart


  • Friday (2/8): 60min.  HIIT 30 min, more cardio, arm machines, stretching
  • Saturday: NYC
  • Sunday: NYC
  • Monday: NYC
  • Tuesday: 60min. Zumba!
  • Wednesday: 15min. @ home
  • Thursday: 30min. mall strolling w/Avery

For my final week, I went pretty light on the workouts.  We were away for the weekend, but I came back strong and went to Zumba, even though Erin couldn’t make it.  And last night instead of hitting the gym late after Vinay got home, Avery and I spent the afternoon strolling the mall and stopping at the playplace there too ofcourse!

BMI: 23.9

Calorie Counting: I have trouble tracking cals on the weekend.  Chasing Avery around is hard enough, getting on a computer without him freaking out because a computer = elmo, is just not worth it.  So I’m committed to calorie counting on weekdays and on the weekend I still watch what I eat, but don’t log it.  Works.  I’m starting to not be starved all the time.  I think my body is adjusting to smaller portions and healthier food.  At times thru this process I was STARVED.  I mean I was dying to eat some chips or chocolate, but I resisted.  Now I am rarely starved, and when I am, I know to have healthy snacks on hand, especially at work.  I’m averaging 1300-1400 cals a day, which seems to work for me, especially since I eat  5 times a day. (breakfast,snack.lunch, snack, dinner).

Now What?

Now that I’ve reached my goal weight, I’d like to maintain it, but to do that, I need to make another goal for myself (I know, type-A, goal oriented freak over here).  13 races in 2013.  Maybe they’ll all be 5Ks and on the treadmill at the gym, but we’ll start small and train for a 5K and see how that goes.  Plus I’ve been kinda pushing it at the gym lately, sometimes going 5 times a week.  That’s become a stress at home, because between Vinay going to the gym, us spending time with Avery, keeping the house not a mess, it’s just too much.  So I think 3x a week is more than enough.  My goals going forward are going to be…

  • Train for a 5K. (8 week schedule = Race end of April)
  • Workout 3 times/wk. (Tues,Fri, Sat or Sun)
  • Stay under 130

I’m sure I’ll be back with some training/race info once I get into this whole running thing….

I’ll be back after vacation with some much anticipated before & after photos!

Take a look back at my Weekly Progress:

Breaking 130 – Week 15

Last week, I was convinced it was the end.  I hit a plateau for two weeks that really put a damper on my momentum.  I didn’t let it get to me for long – I switched up my routine and kicked it up a notch…. and guess what?!?!

biggest loser challenge week 15

My Goal: Break 130lbs by February 22nd.

Week 13 Weigh-in: 130.4… yep, I’ve officially kicked the plateau and am 1/2 a pound away from my goal!

biggest loser challenge week 15 weight loss chart

Weight Lost: 7lbs. Seriously?  Wow.  I’m impressed with myself.  And I should be… I’ve worked hard for that 7.  I’ve given up yummy Friday donuts, sacrificed time with Avery (although sometimes I do need a break… sorry kiddo but your endless teething screaming doesn’t do wonders for momma).  Looking back, when we found out we were expecting Avery and the ‘baby weight’ hadn’t started packing on yet, I weighed in at 147 pounds.  I am 16.6 pounds less than I was 2 years ago.  Dang, that’s hott!


  • Friday (2/8): blizzard!
  • Saturday: blizzard! + 3 hours of shoveling & snowblowing
  • Sunday: 40 min. HIIT 22min, 50 lunges w/bar, stretching
  • Monday: 45min. 30min cardio, 50 lunges & 40 squats w/bar, stretching
  • Tuesday: 60min. Zumba!
  • Wednesday: 60min. 20min cardio, weights
  • Thursday: rest

BMI: 24.2

Calorie Counting: Well, it was bound to happen because it kept falling off, but I lost my FITBIT (I know, I’m so mad!).  So with that, out the door went the calorie counting.  In the mess of the blizzard, I fell off track… but got back into logging my cals using MFP (MyFitnessPal) the past two days and I’m back on the train! I was even able to fit in some chocolate last night after a light sushi dinner (Vinay’s Valentine’s gift).  MMmmm was is delicious!  And I was still 200 cals under my daily goal…woot woot!

Next Week Goals:

  • GET UNDER 130!!!!



One Shoe, Two:

So, I’ve been getting these $10 off coupons for using and bought my new gym shoes with it last month.  Well, I racked up the coupons this month and have $20 off…and Momma wants another pair of shoes… for Zumba & Kickboxing classes.  I found 3 pair that I love.  Help a girl out… no idea which one to get!


Avia A2125W

  • lightweight, cushioned, stability
  • use: indoor cardio training
  • $55.95

Ryka DesireRyka Desire

  • Minimalist, Training, Yoga, Barefoot, Lightweight
  • review says needs gel insert, not much cushion
  • $63.95

Ryka ExertionRyka Exertion

  • Low-profile performance for studio fitness
  • breathability, cushioning, pivot-point, and lateral stability
  • $63.95


My coupons expire tomorrow, so I need to decide today!!

Which Shoes should I get????

Breaking 130 – Week 14

I think I ‘hit the wall’… and I’ve proceeded to pound my head against it for 3 weeks.  No weight loss in three weeks!!! Eeeeeek.  What am I doing wrong? I’m hitting the gym 4-5 times/week, kicking up or changing my workout every day so my body doesn’t get used to it, calorie counting, drinking only water & tea.  I’ve plateaued and need to make some changes if I want to lose these last few pounds. Two pounds. Two measly pounds are the vain on my existence right now…. and they just won’t go away! Well, three if you count the pound I gained back this week…

biggest loser challenge week 14

Workouts: 5 workouts this week should feel like an accomplishment, but really I feel like a slacker for missing two days in a row.  I almost didn’t go Wednesday because Vinay got stuck in traffic on his way home so Erin and I didn’t get to the gym until 7:30PM!  I so just wanted to throw in the towel and sit on the couch, but we didn’t!  We sweat it out and tried a new routine.  Plus, we hit the gym last night in anticipation of Super Storm ‘Nemo’ cancelling our Zumba class tonight.

  • Friday (1/25): 60 min Zumba!
  • Saturday: 60 min 1.5mi run (16:54 PR), walking, abs, stretching
  • Sunday: 45 min. at the gym: spin bike 30 min, row machine, abs, stretching
  • Monday: rest.
  • Tuesday: rest.
  • Wednesday: 75min. HIIT 20min, weight machines, squats w/bar, stretching
  • Thursday: 45min.  HIIT 25min, weight machines, stretching

I logged into my account for the gym and it shows me all my visits since I signed up.  36 visits in 14 weeks.  That’s it?!  That’s an average of only 2 1/2 visits a week.  Yikes.  I thought it would be way more that that.  I mean, I have kicked it up a notch lately, compared when I first went, but man that seems just lame and like I’m really not trying.  But I am!  Maybe it’s the weekends away and holiday vacation in VT that makes the difference?  Plus the week Avery was sick recently… no gym that week.

gym visit history

My Goal: Break 130lbs by February 22nd.

Week 13 Weigh-in: 132.4 …. ugh!  I gained a pound since last week.  How does that make sense?  I feel like one of those Biggest Loser contestants that gets on the giant scale and after a week of beatings from Jillian Michaels, I GAIN weight!  How is that possible?!?  So discouraging.

Weight Lost: 5lbs with only 2 weeks to go, my confidence in reaching my goal is at an all time low. It’s like I lost the past 5 weeks, because I’m back to my weight at week 9.  I know I’ve done a few ups and downs over the weeks, but this is the first serious plateau.

biggest loser challenge week 14 weight loss chart

BMI: 24.6

Calorie Counting: I was thrilled to jump back on the calorie counting train two weeks ago.  Now it’s really hitting me.  I CRAVE chips and crackers and rice… all the stuff I should’nt (and don’t!) have.  I’ve swapped carbs at night for greens, and when I do need to indulge, it’s only a little bit, and within my calories for the day.  But man, is this getting hard!!!  Some days I just want to hide my phone and not log anything… but then I know it’ll all be for nothing.  But darn it, it’s so hard to eat well!!!!  I don’t starve myself, but I make much healthier choices.  I did slack off this past weekend, and didn’t log my cals.  But I made good food choices and did the math in my head and I know I was still under.

calorie counting chart week 14

Next Week Goals:

I’m struggling on how to lose these last few pounds.  I thought I was doing everything I could…..What does anyone do when they need answers?  Google it!  I found a few suggestions on WebMD, from Dr.Oz, & Prevention.  These are the 6 tips I started implementing Thursday, and will continue to see if it’ll bring me off my plateau…

  1. Get FITT & HIIT. (frequency, intensity, type, and time) & HIIT (high intensity interval training).  Instead of doing endurance runs or bike rides, I’m going to do intervals, which can burn up to 66% more calories!  Plus, extending my working by just 10 minutes will burn an extra 100 calories.
  2. Find hidden fat calories. Since I’m already logging my food, I can look back at what I’ve been eating and I can shave 100 cals/day by cutting something high in fat cals.  Maybe cheese snacks after work?  I should have an apple instead.
  3. Measure it. Time to take out the measuring cups and check in on my portions sizes.  I’m sure what I ‘think’ a cup of cheerios is…its probably more like 1 1/2 cups.  I’ll take an extra minute every meal to do this.
  4. Never eat carbs at night or past 3 p.m. for that matter. I cut carbs one week and lost like 3 pounds that week.  I gotta get back into that.  Instead of a bed or rice or pasta under my meat for dinner, it’ll be lettuce!
  5. Supplement. Replace a meal with a complete protein shake; this is also one of the best ways to boost your metabolism by 25% as well as improve your health!  I got a low carb, high protein shake this week and I’ll start substituting breakfast every morning with it!
  6. Lift Weights.  This can burn 30% more calories and increases the metabolism. I haven’t done weights in over a week… I gotta do that more!

How do you kick those pesky last couple pounds?  Do you hit the gym more?  Do you eat less?  Help!